The Global Justice Academy is a student managed non-governmental, apolitical, non-religious, not for profit, and independent organization that facilitates a broad range of educational training programs on global justice for partisan groups, grassroot, civil society and non-governmental, governmental, and community Institutions.
The Academy is dedicated to creating a just and peaceful social space for everyone, promoting universal human dignity, and empowering individuals to initiate rights-based approaches to solve problems.
In essence, the Academy seeks to promote a culture of pluralism and dialogue among various stakeholders, both non-governmental and governmental.
The Academy's mandate is based on the normative and institutional framework developed by the United Nations on the basis of International Law, and its interplay with national legal institutions.
The Academy does not take any position on issues and engage in advocacy, because it is a medium of awareness and education.
Most of the Academy's educational programs and services are pro bono, and the Academy welcomes solicitations for educational programs.